Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Middlesex Stay Day

I travelled to Hendon yesterday for a study day and met up with Paula- we discussed where I was in my inquiry so far and what I needed to do. My goal of the study day was to find sources of literature that challenge each other. I intend to view my sources as a 'Dinner Party'-

Who will I invite?
How will I open the conversation as the 'host'?
What would they think about my topic?
Who will agree and who will disagree?

I want to critically analyse my sources, so I am not just contextualising them, describing what they mean. I think this will be challenge for me as I have never attempted a task like this before. However, I believe that the dinner party imagery will help me grasp the concept of inviting different perspectives on my topic into my inquiry.

Once I have the Themes or ideas that I want to portray in my inquiry, I will make a large brainstorm of my topic on an A3 piece of paper with the subheadings coming off of it. I will then link the literature I have found that relates to these themes. Hopefully this will map everything out for me and make things slightly clearer in terms of starting my literature review and ultimately my critical reflection.

My Professional Artefact is just an idea at the moment, and Paula advised me to really think about the intended audience for my Artefact. I need to determine what my target audience is first before I start developing my idea. I potentially want to create a short film or powerpoint presentation of the inquiry process for my colleagues in my professional practice, i.e Physiotherapists. It would be more of an educational video of what I have discovered during my inquiry and it would give my work colleagues an insight into my project and how it relates to their practice.

Lastly, I find one-on-one conversations about module 3 and my inquiry so beneficial and I am hoping to travel up to Hendon again very soon. I am off work on Thursdays so if anyone else is up for meeting for a study day I'd be happy to organise it and I can book out a room online!

Let me know,

Katrina x

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