On friday night I had my first Skype call with Paula and several others who are on module 3. We began by looking at images of confusion that Paula had posted on Skype and were asked to pick which one most relates to you at this moment in time:
I chose the 'Help' picture as it depicts the inquiry process for me so far.....
From my own pictures, this is where I am right now, about to commence my professional inquiry:
And this is where I want to be:
This pretty much sums up how I am feeling!!! Currently it's a combination of feeling confused, overwhelmed, and to be quite honest scared at the amount of work I will have to do in such a short space of time. The second picture is definitely how I will feel once I have handed all my work in!! It seems as if the end is so far out of sight but I know it will all be worth it in the end-I just need to persevere and keep myself motivated.
We then each talked about where we are in the inquiry process, and most of us are on the same page, a relief to hear. Personally I am on
Stage 2 of the inquiry process (see picture below):
This stage consists of focusing on my literature review and researching sources in relation to my inquiry topic, constructing my interview questions and gaining consent from potential interviewees. From speaking to others in the Skype call with Paula I know that I need to download the BAPP Arts consent form from myunihub as a template and guideline for when I request permission for my interviews.
What is an inquiry?
An inquiry in my opinion is a learning process that portrays knowledge, research and then expertise in a particular field. It is a journey of discovery, to ultimately gain a greater understanding of your chosen topic.
Hart Considers acquiring an overall
"understanding of your topic to be part of your academic development , of becoming an expert in the field." ( Hart, c, 1998).
This is what I want to achieve from my professional inquiry; to gain knowledge and understanding on a specific topic I want to learn more about, and by utilising my experience in the arts I want to portray an insightful and meaningful research project.
Another topic we touched upon in the Skype call was the professional artefact. This is something that is scaring me more than the critical review at the moment. Paula mentioned that the artefact should be aimed towards an academic and a professional audience, and that it should have a 'creative twist' to it:portraying your inquiry like it is a performance.
So it seems like I have my work cut out for me in the next few weeks. I do find the Skype calls and conversations with other BAPP students beneficial because I can voice any worries and concerns I may have, and it's good hear that we're all in the same boat!
Katrina x
Hart, C, 1998,
Doing a literature review: Releasing the social science research imagination. London: Sage in association with the Open University.