Thursday, 22 September 2016


Hi Everyone!!! Hope you've all had a chilled and relaxing summer, can't believe we're now onto our third module already. I've been busy the last few months jotting down lots of ideas in my journal, and my plan for my inquiry has slightly changed during this process....! 

I'm going to start off with what I thought of my module 2 feedback and where my ideas took me from there...

I am not entirely sure of what my working title is going to be for my inquiry but I want it to go along the lines of…. 
“Exploring how therapy practitioners approach injury management for professional Dancers and Athletes.”

The feedback from my module 2 work was extremely helpful and it has outlined a few factors I need to consider when beginning my inquiry. The plan I constructed in module 2 seems to be a bit vague on what I actually want to find out from my professional inquiry. I seem to be torn between focusing on the psychological impact within the rehabilitation process and the medical stages that are required to successfully rehabilitate a professional dancer or athlete. 

I think I need to realise that my inquiry is predominantly based in my professional practice, so I really need to utilise the sources I have at my fingertips, for example talking to my peers in the next few weeks about my intentions for my inquiry, to gradually begin to form a plan for my interviews. 
As I will be interviewing professionals in the workplace, it is an ideal opportunity to find out if physiotherapists have a different approach when working with performers and athletes. 

Questions I could ask my peers could be:

“ Is your approach to your professional practice different when working with performers and athletes?”
“ If you have previously worked with performers and athletes, what is the most common injury?”
“ Describe the process you go through when you meet a new patient”
“ How involved are you in the patient’s rehabilitation process?”
“ Do you feel that the patient requires more psychological support from you throughout the rehabilitation process?”
“ Do you feel that there is a sufficient amount of support for the patient after they complete their physiotherapy programme with you?”

Questions I could ask professional practitioners could be:

“ How did you sustain your injury?”
“ How did your injury impact your career?”
“ What help was available for you when you were injured?”
“ What was your rehabilitation process like?”
“ Did you ever worry financially?”
“ Do you think that performers/ Athletes ignore small injuries incase it interrupts their career?”

I have realised just from drafting a few questions that I have to be vigilant in the wording in each question for ethical reasons. I do not wish to offend anyone or to appear biased in any way. Keeping my interviews neutral will allow the participants to truly express their opinions and will inevitably give me unbiased data. 

As my intentions have altered slightly for my inquiry, the next step I need to take is to research literature surrounding my topic of the different therapy approaches to professional performers and athletes. I need to focus on this particular theme and expand on this as much as I can without going off on a tangent- I do not want my inquiry to be vague. 

I have read through the Module 3 handbook and have made a few notes in what I need to do to make my inquiry as successful as possible. I need to look into ‘Action Lists’ and ‘Gant charts’ to help with my organisation before I officially begin the 12 weeks of the study period as I do not want to fall behind in Module 3. Utilising my learning journal throughout the inquiry process and communicating through my blogs will also be extremely useful for me in module 3. 

The one area which seems a bit grey for me after reading through the handbook is the ‘Professional Artefact’ I will have to submit with my critical review on the 6th January. I am quite artistic and creative so it could potentially be a really interesting project for me to undertake, however I am not brilliant with technology so this is worrying me slightly. 
I have drafted a brainstorm of ideas for my professional artefact and the two ideas that came up were:

  1. Audio visual- either a powerpoint, images or a short film of how a physiotherapist would rehabilitate a professional performer or athlete for a certain type of injury and why. 
  2. The Kugler-Ross 5 stages of grief theory in relation to a professional experiencing a detrimental injury in their career ‘ 5 stage cycle of a professional injury.’  This could either be portrayed in a powerpoint presentation or choreography to show the cycle??

These were only my initial thoughts after reading the handbook and reader 7, after trying to gain some insight into what I will actually be doing throughout module 3! It was all a bit overwhelming when I first read through it and I naturally started to feel anxious about the workload ahead of me, (in just over 12 weeks) ... so I found it beneficial and comforting to draw some visuals,  so I could physically 'see' what the plan is in the module 3 journey: 

Has anyone else done this and found it useful?!

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