Monday, 8 February 2016

New year new start

Ahhhhh so now it is time to get my thinking cap back on again! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break?! I had a peaceful and quiet Christmas and had a lot of time on my hands to reflect and really think about what I would like to talk about in my professional inquiry. I was so snowed under in November and I felt ridiculously under pressure to pull something out of the bag for module 2, so I decided to defer the module until the new year, and I'm so glad I did. I have delved into a completely new topic but a topic I feel I can relate to and it could expand into something really interesting and relevant to my future practice.
If there are any other BAPP's that have deferred module 2 please comment on my blog! It would be great to hear from you :)

Here's to a happy and successful new year!



  1. Hi Katrina! What do you think will be the topic you are focusing on going into Module 2?

    Lisa x

  2. Hi Lisa,
    I'm going to focus on the support given in vocational dance schools, and the need for professional psychologists and nutritionists to be employed full time to aid the development of young dancers. It's given me a lot of avenues I could go down so far and I'm looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into it! How are you and how was module 2 for you?? I have a lot of respect for you guys doing it over the Christmas period, and I'm hoping that now I know what subject I'm going to do it will be an easier ride for me!

    Katrina x

    1. Good topic! We didn't have that kind of support at drama school. It could have been really helpful for some people. Especially because some of the students were only 16 and away from home. It's a high pressure environment for anyone to be in!

      Module 2 was good, hard work!

      Lisa x

    2. Thanks lisa! I have a lot of knowledge I can put into this topic but it will be interesting to find out what other students think and how their experiences were at dance school.
      Good luck for module 3!

      Katrina x

  3. Hi Katrina, I also deferred module 2 due too a heavy workload. I have also came back with new ideas for my line of inquiry. It would be nice too stay in touch and exchange ideas

    laura xx

    1. Hi Laura, it's a relief to know I wasn't the only one! I was so stressed but feel so much calmer now I've had more time to think about what I want to talk about in my inquiry topic. What ideas have you come up with for your line of inqury?? I wanted to link my topic to something that was personal to me as I am not currently in a field of teaching or dance. It's already quite interesting to see how dancer's develop from their training- definitely going to set up a SIG group to get other bappers opinions on it.
      Have you had an email with the blog addresses of module 2 yet? I don't know how to get hold of them!

      Katrina xx

  4. Hi Katrina,

    I think that having a bit more time will give your inquiry much more focus and ultimately be better for your professional development long term. Your new inquiry topic sounds really interesting and it will be interesting to see what literature you find on this.

    Hope it all goes well for you both!


    1. Hi Jess,
      Yes it certainly has, the time off gave me more clarity of what I wanted to talk about in my inquiry and I changed the topic completely. I wasn't 100% happy with my last topic as I felt I couldn't fully relate to it. I am still in the process of finding new literature and piecing my ideas together but I will post my findings on here in due course!
      How did you find module 2? Did you find it difficult to balance full time work and Uni work?? I'm trying to find the right balance at the moment but I have a short attention span and drizzle out after 3/4 hours! :/

      Hope module 3 goes well for you, good luck!

      Katrina xx

  5. Hi Katrina sorry its taken me a while to respond. I have the opposite problem. I have too many performance contracts going on at the same time therefore was finding it really difficult too find a focus. I am hoping to further my career in acting. I trained in Musical Theatre so I have decided too base my inquiry around how to create characters and use of acting techniques. In terms of your comment on how dancers develop from training. I myself am fully trained in dance as a I trained at The Hammond. I occasionally still dance in shows but have taken on principle roles requiring me to act and sing instead. I much prefer this and although it was not my intention whilst in training too develop a career in acting, it is something I now have a passion for. In terms of all round performance I have developed a lot since training particularly in confidence, knowledge of the industry and advertising myself as an artist. These are aspects of my career in which i never studied and believe students could benefit from learning skills such as how to professionally network and self promote.

    thanks laura x
