Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Task 1B: Professional Communication technologies

What is Web 2:0??

  1. the second stage of development of the Internet, characterized especially by the change from static web pages to dynamic or user-generated content and the growth of social media.

I had no idea what web 2:0 meant when I first flicked through reader 1. Then realisation hit me and web 2:0 is something that I actually use everyday! Web 2:0 is the 2nd generation of web-based communities - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and social networking blogs. The way it differentiates itself from Web 1:0 (one way communications- newspapers, books, television), is that is allows the reader to actively participate in the creators work, providing an opportunity for both the reader and creator to interact, therefore the reader will become the creator. 

This basically means that sites like Facebook can give the reader the tools needed to comment, share and network with others, and as a result both reader and creator are interacting with each other. 

The Web as a platform

This got me thinking about O'Reilly's "Meme map"of web 2:0; visualising social media as having a gravitational core.

It was a big blur to me when I first looked at it - but when I started to disassemble the parts it began to make sense. You control the information you share with others, there are no real boundaries or rules to stop you from expressing yourself. The cost effective scalability allows more people to get involved, therefore constantly developing your network. It expands an approach; thousands of people may read or react to a specific blog or youtube video, and it has the power to keep developing and growing whilst more people are using it.
The user can freely comment, share and express themselves through web 2:0, with so much information  at their fingertips.

O'Reilly's 'meme map' of Web 2:0

Ethical considerations for using Web 2:0

" Teachers are probably the most vulnerable group in danger from violations of boundary crossing between one's personal and professional lives". ( Kuehn, 2010, P86). 

We as the reader have the power to alter what people can see on our profiles, what information we share and who can see it.  We have the freedom of expression, but what you say and discuss with others should be seriously considered as a professional.
Facebook means we can connect with others- I have previously danced on cruise ships and I have friends from all over the world, Facebook enables me to keep in touch with these people and form an online relationship with them. 
I always fix my settings to private on public forums so my photos and posts are not easily accessible to the general public, and are adjusted so that just my family and friends are able to see them. Nonetheless I do have work colleagues as my friends on Facebook and I have to be very careful what language I use and what photos I post as I want to be viewed as a professional. 
Also, can future employers google you? Can parents from a school you are teaching at search your profile? How easy is it for them to find your Facebook profile picture? It can be a very easy boundary to cross if you're not careful and I do not want to take any chances. I would like to be perceived in a professional manner and not with a few drinks in my hand!

                                  "Why web 2:0 is good for learning and for research:
                                                       Principes and Prototypes."

                            (Ullrich, C, Borau, K, Luo, H, Tan, X, Shen, L, & Shen, R, 2008)

The web is very different from 5/10 years ago. This phenomenon that is web 2:0 has become so popular the world over, it is amazing to just take a step back and see how this has affected thousands of people. Ullrich states that web 2:0 facilitates active participation, allowing students to express themselves and learn through the interaction of others. This is a very useful tool which I have used to search for jobs in my career. 
The 'Hustle' on Facebook is a page where performers can post and interact with each other on upcoming auditions, advice on companies, and even posting available rooms to rent. Promotional jobs are frequently posted on 'Promo Fo's',(also on face book) which is a genius way to interact with others on your availability for work, and it's very convenient for dancers who are in between jobs and looking for an extra bit of cash. Twitter is another tool which I use, following 'The Guardian Jobs' and 'The Stage UK'  keeps me up to date with upcoming jobs in my area and auditions in London.

I use Instagram daily as a learning tool for myself; I work in the Beauty industry and relish any tips and advice from instagram accounts and video tutorials into my work.
Here is an example of a video tutorial on an instagram site I follow:


 The blogging experience was all very new to me until I discovered an account through instagram which caught my attention, titled 'Deliciously Ella':

This example portrays how the power of social networking has transformed her blog into a bestselling book, a recipe app which is number one on itunes, and doctors wanting to test her plant based vegan diet on patients. Her blog was a way of turning something negative (she was diagnosed with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome) into something really positive, with health and lifestyle tips and recipes promoting a positive, healthy way of life. 

In conclusion, Web 2:0 surrounds our daily life whether we like it or not. I can now clarify between the positive and the negatives: From expanding and developing our social networks to our advantage, and being vigilant to what content we share with others online.
I definitely think I can utilise my social networking further on this course. Task 1:B has made me realise how much more I can use Web 2:0 to my advantage; by connecting with other students online, discussing theories and ideas on Skype and commenting on other BAPP blogs.

Thank you for reading and any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Hi Katrina, good to read your blog as it's reminded me to add a few pieces of information that I think I missed out. I thought the Kuehn quote was really interesting as I'm a teacher too. Out of interest, have you changed your facebook / instagram / google plus to have a personal and professional page? Think I will after thinking about the importance of differenciating my work and personal life online!

  2. Hi Katrina, good to read your blog as it's reminded me to add a few pieces of information that I think I missed out. I thought the Kuehn quote was really interesting as I'm a teacher too. Out of interest, have you changed your facebook / instagram / google plus to have a personal and professional page? Think I will after thinking about the importance of differenciating my work and personal life online!

    1. Hi Catherine, thanks for the comment it's great to have some positive feedback on my blog. I don't actually have a separate professional page for my online forums at the moment, but when I finish the BAPP course I intend to go into teaching so I will definitely separate my professional and personal life then!

      Katrina xx
